Canadian Barn Dance
Best part of the set to drum for is in this two and a half minutes. Especially speeding things up at the end.
Flying Scotsman (Open Air)
Dancing outdoors is great, but doing The Flying Scotsman with all your friends on the lawn of a truly massive and absolutely gorgeous historic property in the heart of Edinburgh is kind of next level ceilidh’ing. As if a bonus were needed the event featured the twin-drums setup too, enabling the use of some nice new live samples and sounds.
Canadian Barn Dance – Down Under Remix
When there is a massive tune doing the circuit online and on the radio, it has to be considered for incorporation into a dance. At 172 BPM ‘Down Under’ by Luude ft Colin Hay might have looked to some to be too fast for inclusion in the dancing set… but not KPF
Swedish Masquerade – Live
Three parts to the dance, all at different tempos and counts, but it’s really fun and not actually that hard to pick up. This is also the first set of ours to use a fiddle tune written by us!
Auld Lang Syne – Live
Last tune of the night – it’s kind of moving, it’s kind of a party.
Canadian Barn Dance – Great Gatsby Soundtrack Style
Following in the same vein as the Dashing White Sergeant, here is our latest new track to dance the Canadian Barn Dance to.
Dashing White Sergeant – Great Gatsby Soundtrack Style
The Baz Luhrmann 2013 Great Gatsby Movie has a great soundtrack, so to tie in with the theme of a Gatsby Style Christmas Ball we developed a few tracks around the soundtracks musical theme – pop music mashed up with splashy, 1920’s big band jazz. Enjoy!
Canadian Barndance set – Live
Our Canadian Barndance! I absolutely loved writing the cheeky wee John Mayer’esq solo in this
Circassian Circle – Live
A longer video than usual, showcasing all three of the musical sections which Kilt Pin Fling use for the Circassian Circle dance. The second tune was written off of the back of having spent three weeks listening to Kings Of Leon albums. It’s one of our favorite bits to play! Get in touch with us if you have any questions or wish to make a booking inquiry. info@kiltpinfling.co.uk
Orcadian Strip The Willow – full, long set!
To give you a better idea of what it is like to dance at one of our Ceilidhs, we’ve put this video together which shows the whole process of us ordering the couples into sets, walking through the dance, counting the dancers in to start and then them dancing right through to the end. You’ll also get to hear how the Orcadian Strip The Willow set sounds in the process! Fun.
Strip The Willow – Live
This set starts out with samples from Justin Timberlakes big hit off of his first album ‘Like I Love You’. We felt like such a danceable tune needed to be worked into the performance somehow. This excerpt is from the second tune in the Strip The Willow set, and was performed at a ceilidh for a wonderful couples wedding up near Pitlochry.
Military Two Step – Live
You’ll already be familiar with this one of our tunes as we used it in one of the two videos we did from the snowy roof, but here it is with dancers attached, and Calum tearing it up on drums
Orcadian Strip The Willow
This footage was taken recently at a wedding near Glasgow in the Waterside Hotel in West Kilbride, and what a ceilidh it was! Such great wedding guests with tireless dancing skills. The Orcadian Strip the Willow is a long group dance performed near the end of a Ceilidh. Kilt Pin Fling like to mix in a few recent, high-energy chart tunes to the set. This keeps energy levels at maximum for what can be quite a long dance (depending on the size of the group). This video showcases a brief sampling of a few different parts of the Ceilidh music Kilt Pin Fling use throughout this dance.
Military Two Step
A Glasgow West End Ceilidh on the Roof! Why not? Well.. health and safety for one, freezing hands for another, then there is the neighbours to consider.. all said and done, it would be better if we just played at your event rather than performing in the snow at twenty meters above ground level. This is a brief excerpt of Kilt Pin Flings Military Two step set. The last few times through the dance can be tiring (Military two step is a relatively aerobic dance) so we purposely wrote in an epic, punchy cadence, which you’ll hear here.
Circassian Circle
This short except from the Circassian Circle dance will let you hear one of our favourite sets. The backing is punchy, the drums are big and the fiddle tunes are some of the best in the whole 4 hour set. What is more, this is a simple but very enjoyable dance for all ages to take part in.
Flying Scotsman
Flying Scotsman is just such a brilliant high energy dance we almost never play an event without it. Everyone gets to pretend they are a train.. when else do you get to do that in front of people and it be totally acceptable?
Dashing White Sergeant
Filmed and recorded on the same day as the Military Two Step in Glasgow’s West End is a short edit of Kilt Pin Flings Dashing White Sergeant set. Avid electronic music fans will recognise the theme from OutPutMessage’s fantastic tune ‘Sommeil’ as the basis for our first tune. This tune’s ultra modern intro sequence always gets guests primed for a fantastic ceilidh dance.
f you’re looking for a Ceilidh Band in Glasgow, or surrounding areas, please get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
Responses about bookings, costings and everything else available within two hours at info@kiltpinfling.co.uk
Gay Gordons
Pretty much the quintessential ceilidh dance, the Gay Gordons is often the first dance of the night due to its fairly simple steps and the fact that it makes for a good warmup with it not being to strenous.
Virginia Reel
The Virginia reel requires four to five couples, and is super easy to learn. Although not really that similar to the Strip The Willow (except for the initial positions) we find autopilot often takes hold of our dancers with this dance and they sometimes try to change dance half way through. Fear not – we always manage to keep them right.